The toy library
GAMES & Puzzles
Join us as a Toy Library member
Browse the toys by category
Choose a toy or toys (up to 6 toys per visit) and click the reserve button
The Toy Library is open for pickup and drop off every Saturday from 9:00 - 3:00.
Staff will pull your items and have them ready for you.
Enjoy your toy for 1 - 4 weeks
Please clean your toy and make note of missing or broken parts when returned
Check out a new toy!
House/Farm Sets & Dolls
How it works
The Black Earth Children's Museum Toy Library was created with the vision of reducing waste and creating more opportunities for play! Each new toy can stimulate a child's brain in important new ways, but soon you can end up with a mountain of toys to store and kids can loose interest with so many choices. What if toys could come and visit for a bit, and then be returned for a new a different toy? Toy Library!
The Toy Library is an experiment so the process may change throughout the year.
The community came together and donated some beautiful items that are like new and are sure to delight your child. Several students from Wisconsin Heights High School volunteered their time to organize and catalog the donations.
How it works
Join us as a member of the Toy Library (membership is included as part of museum membership)
Browse the toys by the categories, Baby Toys, Games, etc.
Choose a toy or toys (up to 6 toys per visit) and click the reserve button
The Toy Library is open for pickup and drop off every Saturday from 9:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Enjoy your toy for one to four weeks
Please clean your toy and make note of missing or broken parts when returned
Check out a new toy!